Recruitment of dancers, artists of the original genre and the direction of break dance for participation in the legendary show for the whole family
Boys and girls from 18 years old
Recruitment of dancers, artists of the original genre and the direction of break dance for participation in the legendary show for the whole family
Boys and girls from 18 years old
Recruitment of dancers, artists of the original genre and the direction of break dance for participation in the legendary show for the whole family
Boys and girls from 18 years old
Recruitment of dancers, artists of the original genre and the direction of break dance for participation in the legendary show for the whole family
Boys and girls from 18 years old

You can buy tickets in advance online, or directly before the start of the session (if there are available seats) at the VDNG Concert Hall box office.
VDNG Concert Hall
Kyiv, Academic Glushkov Avenue, 1 (pavilion 7)