From its very inception in 2015, Stage Show Company opens the doors to an extraordinary Universe where everyone meets their heroes and their own stories. From concept to execution, we create stunning events — theatrical shows, interactive entertainment events that attract families to the world of special effects and wonders.
Our performances are a kaleidoscope of bright events, among which is the first festival "Winter Country at VDNH", immersive 3D show "Guardians of Dreams", magical show "House of Mysterious Adventures", and, of course, the thrilling 5D journey "Winterra. The Legend of a Fairyland". We are proud that our "Santa's Residence" and the innovative project "Lapland 360" have given unforgettable moments to tens of thousands of visitors.
Our main pride is the Concert-Hall VDNH, where every event becomes a masterpiece and where our guests become part of spectacular shows. And as part of the FILM.UA Group, we continue to expand the horizons of entertainment and creativity, inviting you to join us in creating new worlds and stories.